
The latest updates from the development research community in Sweden

Group of young adults, representing the new generation and development.

SweDev researchers selected to the Swedish delegation

The Government of Sweden have selected four associated SweDev researchers to join the Swedish delegation at the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development.

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Summer valley.

DevRes 2022 – Transforming Development Research for Sustainability

Join the Development Research Conference (DevRes) on August 22-24

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Turbid waters spill out into the Gulf of Mexico.

New EBA call for project proposals

Apply before 22 May.

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Concepts of river use.

Making scientific research more digestible

In the first dialogue on development research, Belgian motion designer and illustrator Coralie Legrand highlights how to visually create impact.

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Call for papers: Up-scaling co-benefits of sustainable consumption for development

Do you have expertise in green transition? Submit your paper!

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Africa’s middle classes

New article by Henning Melber.

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Hydro power solutions in Lesotho, South Africa.

SweDev launch dialogues on development research

Join SweDev’s and SEI’s first dialogue on “Low-carbon development in Africa: How to visually create impact”.

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A flooded street in Uganda.

SweDev’s interview series 2022: Meet Cristiano Lanzano 

Cristiano Lanzano at the Nordic Africa Institute discusses how the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced the most fragile countries.

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SweDev presents awarded grants from the Swedish Research Council 

Meet Raine Isaksson at Uppsala University and Linda Engström at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

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