
The latest updates from the development research community in Sweden

“Prioritise reproductive health in Swedish aid”

New op-ed by Jesper Sundewall and Björn Ekman on SRHR and aid.

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Recording: Financial architecture for a green and climate resilient Africa

Recording from the dialogue with Anzetse Were.

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Op-ed in Dagen Debatt by Fredrik Söderbaum, Jesper Sundewall and Janet Vähämäki from SweDev

There are gaps and weaknesses in the aid reform agenda, write Fredrik Söderbaum, Jesper Sundewall and Janet Vähämäki.

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Op-ed in GP: Good intentions are not enough for effective aid

New op-ed in Göteborgs-Posten discusses Sweden’s new aid policy.

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What are the consequences of decreasing aid to research cooperation?

New op-ed on cuts in the research cooperation budget published in OmVärlden.

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Does climate compensating tree planting benefit local people?

Using research for new methods and practice: Linda Engström and Flora Hajdu at SLU launch a new web-based guide to assess the social consequences of carbon offseting.

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Development narratives in a post-aid era: Reflections on implications for the global effectiveness agenda

Recording from the dialogue with Nilima Gulrajani.

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Podcast from seminar on the reform agenda by EBA and SweDev

Recording of a SweDev and EBA seminar at Kulturhuset in Stockholm on February 14, 2023.

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Call for NorDev2023 paper proposals

NorDev 2023 Call for paper proposals is open! Deadline 1 April 2023.

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