
The latest updates from the development research community in Sweden

New anthology on how to change the world

The Expert Group for Aid Studies has published a new book about change theories in development work.

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Engaging youth to improve livelihoods and the environment through sustainable forestry in Kenya

Young Kenyan forestry entrepreneurs and activists met forest scientists and community leaders.

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The pursuit of modern cities and affordable housing in Tanzania

Most African countries will have over 50% of their population living in urban areas by 2050 according to estimates. Dr Tatu Mtwangi Limbumba’s gave her view on this topic.

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PhD students’ perspectives on the COP27 negotiations

Fabiola Espinoza Córdova and Alicia N’Guetta, PhD students at Lund University share their insights from their experience as researchers at COP27 in Egypt.

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Bookshelf, books, knowledge

The North-South divide – inequalities in knowledge production and exchange 

Read the summary of the keynote speech “Global asymmetric power relations” by Henning Melber, which he held at the GPN conference on 4 October 2022.

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The future of Swedish development aid is uncertain.

What will happen to Swedish development aid?

In a podcast produced by Global Bar Magazine, SweDev Vice-chair Jesper Sundewall gives his view on the future of Swedish development aid.

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International workshop participants, including SEI Research Fellow Dr Nelson Ekane (left).

Exploring WASH outcomes in Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda

A recent international networking event organized by SEI and Ardhi University explored how to accelerate progress on the access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services in three African countries.

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Is ‘right to food’ a way forward for food security in Swedish aid?

Researchers and practitioners discussed two new reports on Swedish aid to hunger, agriculture and food security.

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Hands symbolizing collaboration and learning.

Research school on sustainable development and poverty reduction

Learn more about the Research School on Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction and explore their new website.

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