
The latest updates from the development research community in Sweden

Finance for development.

SweDev interview series: George Marbuah on development finance

In an interview with the SweDev Secretariat, George Marbuah discusses the role of development finance institutions in promoting development.

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SweDev interview series: Meet Vasna Ramasar

Vasna Ramasar at Lund University and LUCSUS discusses feminist and decolonial approaches to environment and development in an interview with the SweDev Secretariat.

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Why are some countries rich while others remain poor? 

Göran Holmqvist reviews Stefan Dercon’s latest book Gambling on Development in the Swedish journal Ekonomisk Debatt.

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Women carrying firewood in Sierra Leone.

Comment on the development research overview

Opportunity to comment on the Committee for Development Research’s overview for development research. Deadline: 12 October.

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Cooperation for sustainable development

DN Debatt: Four solutions to increase research in Sweden’s development policy

Representatives for SweDev, Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet suggest four measures to achieve the 2030 Agenda.

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Successful outcomes of the SweDev assembly

The role of SweDev and how to increase development research collaboration was discussed at SweDev’s assembly.

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Covid-19 vaccine.

We need vaccine equity… not your leftovers.

“When it comes to covid-19 vaccines we have failed as a society,” writes a Master student at Lund University in a blog for SweDev.

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Ole Petter Ottersen.

Bridging science and policy is essential to achieve the 2030 Agenda

A united response from policy-makers and researchers: “Bridging science and policy is essential to achieve the 2030 Agenda.”

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panel devres

Connectivity and local management: key for sustainable oceans

Read main take-aways and watch SweDev’s seminar on coastal ecosystems at DevRes 2022.

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