Development news

New ethical guidelines for responsible academic partnerships with the Global South

This is a summary of a post first published on the website of the Finnish University Partnership...

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“State-sponsored infrastructure projects can create humanitarian disasters in Africa”

New research highlights the potential of large-scale national infrastructure projects in Africa to...

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“Rethinking Economics for an Uncertain World: Challenges for Development”

Recasting development economics to be fit for purpose in a world of...

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“How indigenous peoples can advance sustainable agriculture in Kenya”

New research insights on how to include indigenous people's knowledge and leadership to build...

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Reflections on development in development studies

Blog by Henning...

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rainforest, Amazon, Peru

“Extractivism” must be front and centre at COP15

"Extractivism" needs to be central on the Cop15 in order to tackle the biodiversity crisis, the...

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Development understandings from the Global South

This blog post describes and questiones emerged development alternatives rooted in concepts and...

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The main gate of the Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference (COP 27)

End of COP27 – fund for “Loss and Damage”

At COP27, countries agreed on a global fund for "loss and damage" that will provide financial...

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Stockholm, Sweden, street

Sweden’s Development Policy since 1990: A policy paradigm shift waiting to happen?

Jan Pettersson at EBA published an article analyzing the history of Swedish Development Aid policy...

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