The Development Research Conference 2021, 14-16 June, is filled with interesting keynote speakers, panels, seminars, poster sessions and exhibitions. Check out the sessions hosted by SweDev.

SweDev Assembly, 17 June, 09:00-11:00
Welcome to the first bi-annual assembly of the Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev). This event is an opportunity to learn more about SweDev, influence the workplan, and meet SweDev’s Steering and Nomination Committee. The SweDev assembly is open for all development researchers connected to a Swedish research community.
SweDev is a network connecting development researchers across Sweden in order to strengthen collaboration within the research community and to increase the interaction between development researchers and practitioners. SweDev seeks to support increased use of research-based knowledge for efficient policymaking and practice among Swedish actors working for the 2030 Agenda. SweDev is funded by Sida and led by a Steering Committee consisting of representatives from a broad range of Swedish academic institutions. SweDev is open for all researchers connected to a Swedish research environment pursuing research connected to development issues.
Session 7. A Swedish Development Research Doctoral Network (SweDocNet): Exploring interest & needs, 14 June, 10:45-12:15
SweDev’s working group on PhD education invites both PhD students and staff running PhD programmes related to development research (i.e. lectures/leaders/professors etc) to an open seminar to explore the interest of a Swedish Development Research Doctoral Network (SweDocNet).
One of SweDev’s priorities is to strengthen research, collaboration and build capacities among Swedish doctoral students in the field of development research. SweDev will facilitate networking and strengthened links among doctoral students, organize workshops and conferences and encourage young scholars to continue working in the development sector. SweDev also intends to establish a colloquium for supervisors and teachers in Swedish PhD programmes in development research.
Session 23. Development Thinking in Flux — Continuity and/or Change, 15 June, 10:45-12:15
SweDev organises a roundtable to promote debate among the four panellists under the leadership of the moderator. The audience will also be involved to a significant extent. The discussion will be inspired by three fundamental changes in contemporary development thinking, including changing boundaries between countries, a changing development agenda and transformations of development research as a field of study.
SweDev Digital Exhibition, 14-16 June
Visit our digital booth to become a SweDev member, get the opportunity to chat with the SweDev secretariat about membership, events and opportunities.