Shukrani Mbirigenda

Institute: Institute of Development Studies (IDS) of the University of Dar es Salaam
Other affiliation: Camillian Religious
Research area: Higher education, International development cooperation & coordination, Sexual and reproductive health and rights, Urban development / City planning, Youth
Research region: Africa


I am a senior lecturer at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania, holding a Ph.D. focused in Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, M.A. degree in Development Studies (University of Dar es Salaam), B.A. in Philosophy (Urbaniana University, Rome -Italy), B.A. in Religious Studies (Catholic University of Eastern Africa, CUEA, Nairobi -Kenya), Diploma in Social Communication (Tangaza College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, CUEA, Nairobi -Kenya), Certificate of Music Theory (London Royal Schools of Music -ABRS, London -UK). I also studied in the Master’s program for Development and International Cooperation at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Jyvaskyla University, Finland) and Research Methods, Climate Change and Sustainable Development (University of Helsinki, Finland). Some of my areas of research include Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), ethics, global economic inequalities, philosophical sagacity, youth risk behaviors, disaster management, project management, and Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Learning (PMEL). At present, I am a reviewer for the Tanzania Journal of Development Studies (TJDS) and a Board member representing Africa in an international NGO known as Camillian Disaster Service International (CADIS).

Skills and experience

Work experience
2021 to present -Senior Lecturer of Development Studies at Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Dar es Salaam; 2015 -2021 -Lecturer of Development Studies at Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Dar es Salaam; 2007 - 2015 -Assistant Lecturer at Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Dar es Salaam; 2006 – 2007 Part-Time Tutor at Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Dar es Salaam; 2006 – 2007 Director of St. Camillus Dispensary and Maternity, Yombo, Dar es Salaam
Language skills
Fluent in written and spoken English; Fluent in written and spoken Kiswahili
Software skills
MS-DOS; MS-Word processing; MS–Excel; MS-PowerPoint; Introduction to MS–Access; Adobe PageMaker; MS-Publisher and Internet applications

Interested in

Project collaboration

Master's thesis

Today the mass media is claimed to be the most effective tool in raising awareness on HIV/AIDS among the public both in urban and rural areas. However, the mass media remains expensive and inaccessible to most of the remote rural populations in Tanzania. In addition, most of the print media are based on a commercial basis and due to poor circulation of money; mass media is not easily accessible in rural areas. Recently, there ha been an increase in the number of radio stations in the country, but those reaching rural areas were few and with poor and sporadic signals. More so, a radio set was still a luxury to most rural households. This research investigated the following areas: how much do rural populations know about HIV/AIDS from mass media; what gaps are there in their knowledge/awareness, the reasons for the existing gaps and what can be done to bridge the gaps. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and found that there are gaps in the HIV/AIDS awareness/knowledge in the remote rural populations. We therefore recommend that Tanzania needs an alternative media away from WKH PDLQVWUHDP PHGLD WKDW ZRXOG FRYHU UHPRWH UXUDO DUHDV¶ QHZV /RFDO SHRSOH¶V initiatives should be at the centre, lest we tell them what to do and tread on their toes. We argue that before we jump to the condom solution, we should first of all disseminate DGHTXDWHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ+,9$,'6WRUDLVHSHRSOH¶VDZDUHQHVVLQUHPRWHUXUDOSDUWVRI the country that not only do not have condoms, but also do not have the capacity to acquire them.