Gunnar Köhlin Institute: Environment for Development at University of Gothenburg Other affiliation: School of Economics, University of Cape Town Personal institution page Publications Decision-making within the household: The role of division of labor and differences in preferences Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Tenure and Forest Management in India: Impacts on Equity and Efficiency of Van Panchayats in Uttarakhand Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa Perceptions of the seriousness of major public health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic in seven middle-income countries Communications Medicine Allocative efficiency or misallocation of resources? The emergence of forestland rental markets and the forest devolution reform in China European Review of Agricultural Economics Contingent valuation in project planning and evaluation: the case of social forestry in Orissa, India Environment and Development Economics Property rights, tenure security and forest investment incentives: evidence from China’s Collective Forest Tenure Reform Environment and Development Economics Spatial Variability and Disincentives to Harvest: Deforestation and Fuelwood Collection in South Asia Land Economics Impact of Plantations on Forest Use and Forest Status in Orissa, India AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment Contingent valuation in project planning and evaluation: the case of social forestry in Orissa, India Environment and Development Economics Welfare Implications of Community Forest Plantations in Developing Countries: The Orissa Social Forestry Project American Journal of Agricultural Economics Woodfuels, livelihoods, and policy interventions: Changing Perspectives World Development Preferences for domestic fuel: Analysis with socio-economic factors and rankings in Kolkata, India Ecological Economics WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT IN ZIMBABWE: EVIDENCE FROM A CONTINGENT VALUATION STUDY South African Journal of Economics Fuelwood, forests and community management – evidence from household studies Environment and Development Economics Fuel demand elasticities for energy and environmental policies: Indian sample survey evidence Energy Economics Estimating returns to soil conservation adoption in the northern Ethiopian highlands Agricultural Economics The Economics of Sustainable Land Management Practices in the Ethiopian Highlands Journal of Agricultural Economics Climate Change Policy in Africa with Special Reference to Energy and Land Use Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research Trust, tenure insecurity, and land certification in rural Ethiopia The Journal of Socio-Economics Risk preferences as determinants of soil conservation decisions in Ethiopia Journal of Soil and Water Conservation