EBA invites proposals for study on Swedish feminist foreign policy. Apply before 24 August.

EBA hereby invites proposals for a study of the implementation of Sweden’s feminist foreign policy in countries where Sweden conducts development cooperation. The study will focus on building knowledge about the feminist foreign policy’s implementation in specific country settings, from a comparative perspective.
Background and motivation for the study
In 2014, Sweden became the first country in the world to declare a feminist foreign policy, which shall permeate the three policy areas encompassed by Swedish foreign policy – foreign and security policy, development cooperation, and trade and promotion policy.
Seven years of implementation of the feminist foreign policy call for deepened knowledge concerning the policy’s effects on working methods and results within the gender equality area in Sweden’s partner countries. To what extent and how have the ambitions formulated in the feminist foreign policy been translated into increased or improved promotion of gender equality in Sweden’s partner countries? To what degree and how has the feminist foreign policy stimulated joint action and coordination between the three foreign policy areas at the bilateral level to influence partner countries in line with the policy’s objectives?
Procurement procedure
The procedure will be a two-stage selective procedure with possible negotiation. All suppliers have the right to apply to submit tenders (expression of interest). EBA will invite three (3) suppliers to submit tenders. See the invitation for proposals here.
The invitation to apply to submit tenders is open until midnight (CET) on the 24th of August 2021.