What happened to Swedish aid during the pandemic?

Date: September 21, 2022
This event is hosted by the Expert Group on Aid Studies (EBA). Note that the event is in Swedish.
The Covid-19 pandemic affected the ability to implement parts of Swedish aid. The work has had to be adapted to the new situation. The new report Swedish aid in the time of the pandemic aims to provide an overview of how aid has been adapted, what the process has looked like and what has enabled or prevented adapted aid.
Welcome to a discussion on what we can learn from the pandemic. What was good and what could have worked better in the management of Swedish aid? Have previous crises made us better prepared for the crisis that the pandemic presented? How does the corona pandemic differ from other crises, past and future?
Carsten Schwensen, Nordic Consulting Group
Louise Scheibel Smed, Nordic Consulting Group
Jonas Lövkrona, oberoende utvärderingsexpert
Pia Engstrand, Sida
Lena B Hansson, policyrådgivare, Röda Korset
Sofia Höglund, projektledare, MSB
Joakim Molander, EBA
Kulturhuset, Foajé 3 (vån 3), Stockholm. It is also possible to attend online.