
Seminar and vernissage: Stories of hope from tropical forests and how to strengthen promising pathways

Photo: Boudhayan Bardhan / Unsplash

Date: March 25, 2024
Date: March 25, 2024
Time: 13:00
Start date: March 25, 2024
Event summary: Seminar and photo vernissage to celebrate the International Day of Forests, organised by Focali, SIANI, SEI and Trase.

30 years ago, “Barnens regnskog” campaign spread across 4000 Swedish schools to protect rainforest in Costa Rica. What happened to the rainforest and how can we learn from this campaign?

Can we find inspiration for our work to reduce deforestation and restore nature today? How can we keep up hope during these challenging times? What role can journalism, storytelling, and photos play to share knowledge and inspire action? These are some of the essential questions that will be discussed during the upcoming seminar. We’ll be joined by two guest speakers and a panel for an engaging journey of exploration.


Lounge room. Stockholm Environment Institute, Linnégatan 87D, Stockholm.


Register here to attend the lunch, seminar and coffee in person. To join online a link to sign up separately will soon be updated on the event page. Lunch will be provided for those who sign up for lunch.


If you have questions about Focali please contact the Focali project manager Maria Ölund . Focali is hosted by Wexsus and work in close collaboration with SIANI at SEI. This event is co-led with Focali member Mairon Bastos Lima Senior Research Fellow SEI and co-arranged with SIANI, SEI and Trase.