Increasing the use of research in Swedish development policy and practice

Date: November 24, 2021
How do we increase the use of research in Swedish development policy and practice? What contributes to research being picked up in policy? And, what can be done to increase the relevance of research for practitioners?
There is an increased demand for evidence-based policymaking and research in Swedish development cooperation.
However, several constraints exist that prevent the bridging between research and practice. This seminar seeks to better understand how to foster greater collaboration between researchers and practitioners, and thereby increase the use of research in policy-making.
The seminar will mark the launch of the new SweDev study Increasing the use of research in Swedish development policy and practice that assesses how Swedish practitioners and policymakers who work on development cooperation perceive and use research-based knowledge. The study seeks to understand the factors that facilitate or hinder the use of research-based knowledge to help achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The study presents recommendations to increase evidence-based policy making.
- Christina Hartler, Head Policy Support Unit, Sida
- Per Trulsson, Deputy Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden
- Janet Vähämäki, Programme Director, SweDev
- Magnus Walan, Senior Policy Advisor, Diakonia
- Gunnel Axelsson Nycander, Policy Advisor, ACT Church of Sweden
Authors of the study
- Janet Vähämäki, Programme Director, SweDev
- Anna Ioannou, former MEL officer, SweDev
- Jesper Sundewall, Researcher, (Member of SweDev’s Steering Committee) Lund University