
Amare Benor

Institute: Bahir Dar University
Other affiliation: Addis Ababa Unversity
Research area: Poverty reduction, Renewable energy, Research and innovation
Research region: Africa
Open to collaboration with: Consultancy companies, Other researchers, Practitioners and policy makers


Amare Benor currently works as ​staff member of the Department of Physics at Bahir Dar University (and adjunct staff member of Physics Department at Addis Ababa University). His research focuses on​ understanding the stability, performance, surface/interface issues and charge transport​ in emerging solar cells and other optoelectronic devices. Additionally, he recently started to work on solar energy assessment and performance reliability study of commercial/silicon solar cells or photovoltaic panels (PV).

Professional experience

Main supervisor of PhD

Other experience

Collaboration with government agencies
Consultancy contracts

Personal institution page